Northern Dogs


sydney in 6x6

Copyright © 2008, Neil Becker, NYC

Sydney on the Pajara Trail


Sydney is my current AKC German Shepherd. She was born 9/2/2008, and is a very friendly, protective, active dog. Loves to go out in the country! One day she will run 25 miles and come back tired, wore out, wet, used up ... and the next day she is whining for more!

Alas, due to Musk Ox injuries, Sydney passed away 8/2/2020, just one month short of her 12th birthday.


Sydney's Site

skipper in rock maze

Copyright © 1999, Margaret Gandia

Skipper on Rocky Trail


Skipper, my beautiful, old dog RIP 9/24/2004 at age 17. This page is a tribute to him.

This picture Skipper at age 10. He is having the time of his life, having fun on the way to Glacial Lake!

Go for it, Skipper. You've logged 8,000 miles along and behind the 4-wheelers since you turned 10 years old!

On the first snow of 2004, September 24, Skipper passed away due to complications of cardiac insuficiency.

Skipper and Lacey

Copyright © 2000, Ramon Gandia

Lacey (L) and Skipper (R)

Skipper and Lacey

Here is a picture of the two dogs, Skipper and Lacey.

Lacey is my daughter Nisi's dog, and was raised and trained to run by older and experienced Skipper. Lacey passed away in 2015 from cancer. She ran with my dogs whenever I could borrow her from my daughter.

Oh Skipper!
1987 - 2004
Best Friend!
Faithful Companion!
Beloved of Ramon and Nisi!
Fierce Protector!
May your spirit now roam the stars!

strider under arch

Copyright © 2005, Keith Andrews

Strider Under the Iditarod Arch


This is Strider, the 7 year old German Shepherd I adopted February, 2005. This picture was taken on 3/24/2005 under the Iditarod race arch. Strider is not a racing dog but I thought this would be a nice setting for the picture.

strider in geo

Copyright © 2007, Ramon Gandia

Strider inside my Geo Tracker

Strider Loves the Geo!

He loves to ride in my Geo Tracker. He would sit up and just watch the scenery go by. No need to lock the car with this fellow in there guarding it! July, 2007.

strider in porch

Copyright © 2009, Ramon Gandia

Strider Guarding my Porch

Harmless, but BIG and Intimidating

This is a picture of Strider taken January 4, 2009.

He is a very big, gentle dog. Harmless with other dogs and people, nevertheless he was a good hunter. He bagged numerous squirrels and even a raven. That raven was doing something in the willows, and could not fly off in time.

Strider and niece Stacy were very close, and they often slept together on the couch, all intertwined.

With great sadness I report that Strider crossed the rainbow bridge to the summerlands on December 12, 2009.

dummy image

Copyright © 2018, Ramon Gandia

Lay Me to Rest on a Field of Flowers

Memorial to my Dogs

Texas, passed 6/10/1968 My first Dog, aged 15 years.
Skipper, passed 9/24/2004 My Faithful dog, aged 17 years
Lacey, passed 11/24/2015, *Nisi's dog, aged 15 years
Rembrandt, passed 5/24/2020, *Autumn's dog, Aged 15 years
Strider, passed 12/12/2009, my biggest dog, aged 12 years
Sydney, passed 8/2/2020, my beloved Shepherd, aged 12 years

* These two dogs stayed with me for months or years, they were my friends.

sydney and rembrandt running sydney and rembrandt running

Both Pictures Copyright © 2011, Ramon Gandia

Top: Sydney Prancing on a Back road
Bottom: Sydney and Rembrandt

Sydney, My German Shepherd

Young and Strong!!

Sydney was born 9/2/2008 near Seattle. She is AKC registed. She passed 8/2/2020, aged 12 years.

I acquired her on August 28, 2011, a few days before she turned 3, from Sierra Johnson, here in Nome. She had a home situation and could not keep Sydney.

She was skin and bones, but I fed her and ran her and she bonded with me.

A few days later, when she was tied outside, an angry male muskox gored her. She slipped the collar and ran away. Many hours later she limped home, with 5 puncture wounds into her abdomen.

Dr. Derrick Leedy, the local vet, tried surgery at my house, but she would not let him touch her. However, for me, she just rolled on her back and allowed me to stich all 5 holes. First the underlying muscle, and next close up the hide. She made a *full* recovery.


Sydney's Site

See her in yer younger years through 2017; and then her decline and passing in 2020.

Narrative Copyright 2020-2024, Ramon Gandia